Based at Evelina London Children’s Hospital, our world-leading consultant paediatric surgeons specialise in a range of gastrointestinal procedures, from routine to complex.

Experts in children's gastrointestinal surgery

We provide a range of innovative diagnostic tests for babies, children and young adults which enables us to investigate congenital and acquired conditions. Early diagnosis gives us time to plan care for children and perform life-changing surgery.

We perform both routine and complex surgical procedures, including treatments for hernias, tongue tie and constipation.

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Our children’s gastrointestinal procedures

Our consultant paediatric surgeons have sub-speciality expertise in a range of gastrointestinal procedures, including those listed below.

Upper gastrointestinal surgical procedures

  • Cholecystectomy (gallbladder removal).
  • Frenectomy for tongue tie.
  • Fundoplication to treat gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).
  • Splenectomy (spleen removal).
  • Treatment for feeding difficulties.

Lower gastrointestinal surgical procedures

  • Anorectal malformation surgery.
  • Hernia repair (including inguinal hernia surgery and umbilical hernia surgery).
  • Hirschsprung’s disease treatment.
  • Pilonidal sinus surgery.
  • Surgery for constipation.
  • Surgery for inflammatory bowel disease.

Other paediatric procedures

Due to the range of their expertise, our paediatric surgeons can also perform other procedures, including:

Discover our children's surgery experts

Working as part of a multi-disciplinary team, our paediatric surgeons are leaders in gastrointestinal surgery, dedicated to achieving optimal outcomes for children of all ages, ranging from infants through to teenagers