
Evelina London Children’s Hospital is one of the world’s leading heart centres offering the whole spectrum of congenital cardiac surgery for children and babies.

As a centre of excellence our cardiac service is internationally acclaimed providing evidence-based care with excellent outcomes which are audited nationally.

Our heart surgeons are leaders in their field and continuously pioneer new techniques, such as the first MRI-guided heart valve procedure for children.

World-class expertise in heart surgery

At Evelina London, you can take reassurance from our experienced consultants, state-of-the-art cardiology facilities and advanced cardiology treatments.

After initial investigation and diagnosis with a cardiologist, your consultant will advise if surgery or interventional procedure is recommended. Surgery is usually a last resort and will only be recommended by your child’s consultant if necessary.

There are several reasons why cardiac surgery can be recommended, including to:

  • fix damaged heart valves
  • repair congenital heart issues
  • treat or prevent blood clots
  • open narrowed or blocked arteries

If your child is recommended for heart surgery, your consultant will discuss the procedure with you and explain what’s involved. Working as a multi-disciplinary team, our clinicians will decide on a treatment plan to ensure the best outcome.

Father holding small son at home

Learn about our facilities at Sky Ward where we treat children with heart conditions.

Children’s heart surgery procedures

We offer a range of procedures at Evelina London, including:

  • surgery for aortic stenosis
  • personalised external aortic root support (PEARS) surgery
  • atrial septal defect correction
  • ventricular septal defect correction
  • neonatal surgery
  • hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS) surgery
  • Norwood, Glenn and Fontan procedures
  • univentricular heart programme
  • Nikaidoh operation
  • neonatal to adult Ross operations
  • extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) respiratory and cardiac treatment
  • adult congenital heart surgery

Learn about our expertise in children's heart procedures.

Life-long heart care

Evelina London Children’s Hospital is part of the same Trust as Royal Brompton and Harefield hospitals, which are leading centres for adult heart care. This ensures that patients with heart conditions can be managed from prenatal diagnosis through to childhood, adolescence and into adult life.

With expertise in diagnostics and surgery that’s fully supported by multidisciplinary specialists, you can be assured of the highest standards of care and safety.

Discover our children's cardiac surgery specialists

Our cardiac surgeons are leaders in their field and world-renowned for pioneering new techniques and providing evidence-based care.