Clinical expertise

Dr Jonathan Birns is a consultant at St Thomas’ Hospital. He specialises in all aspects of cerebrovascular disease including transient ischaemic attack, stroke, cognitive impairment and hypertension.

He regularly treats patients with conditions such as:

  • transient ischaemic attack (TIA)
  • stroke
  • cognitive impairment
  • hypertension
  • acute and chronic medical conditions in geriatrics


Dr Jonathan Birns received his first class honours BSc from the University College London Medical School in 1998, including the prize for the best overall performance in the Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) examinations. He also completed the London Deanery specialist registrar training programme in geriatrics and general internal medicine.

He consults on a wide variety of acute and chronic medical conditions in geriatrics and general medicine, providing acute and rehabilitative care. He delivers professional, safe, efficient and high-quality care in all disciplines as evidenced by national benchmarking.

He is also a senior lecturer at King’s College London, South East London geriatrics training programme director and deputy head of the London School of Medicine for Health Education England. In these roles he has received a number of prizes for his achievements and published widely on educational topics.


Within the field of stroke medicine, Jonathan Birns has undertaken independent research for the award of a PhD, published more than 25 papers in peer-reviewed journals, edited and written book chapters, presented work at national and international scientific meetings, and completed clinical audits. He has also been involved in service development for the implementation of acute stroke thrombolysis and telemedicine for stroke, and the writing of clinical guidelines.