Our fetal cardiology service is provided across Evelina London Children’s Hospital and Royal Brompton Hospital. Both are recognised as world-leading centres – Evelina London for children’s care and Royal Brompton for heart care.

We have an international reputation for diagnosing and managing heart problems in babies before birth, with our hospitals together making up the largest fetal cardiology service in the UK.

We are recognised for our pioneering work in developing new interventional techniques and advanced imaging. We established the world’s first routine fetal cardiac MRI service and performed the world’s first fetal cardiac intervention.

By identifying heart problems before birth, we can ensure that babies get the right treatment soon after delivery, and we have expertise in the most complex heart procedures.

A team of experts behind every pregnancy

With our world-renowned expertise in maternity care at St Thomas’ Hospital, we bring together specialists in fetal imaging, fetal medicine, obstetrics and cardiac surgery from across our hospitals. Working as part of a multi-disciplinary team, our consultants are leaders in their field, dedicated to achieving optimal outcomes for both mother and baby.

Every year we:

  • assess over 2,000 high-risk pregnancies
  • diagnose over 500 babies with heart conditions before birth

As Evelina London is at the same location as Westminster Maternity Suite at St Thomas’ Hospital, we can provide seamless private care for mother and baby.

Pregnant woman lying on a bed

Diagnosing heart problems before birth

Our specialists at Evelina London have pioneered the most advanced imaging technologies to safely see babies’ hearts while in the womb, for early diagnosis of heart problems before birth. This enables us to plan the best treatment for your baby.

Our experts can provide:

  • early fetal heart scans from 12-13 weeks to provide early diagnosis
  • our world-first 3D fetal cardiac MRI scan to improve diagnostic accuracy in selected cases
  • fetal heart intervention in highly selected cases
A 3D MRI scan of a fetal heart

Our fetal cardiology experts

Our fetal cardiology specialists work in multidisciplinary teams to provide access to the full breadth of clinical services ensuring high quality expertise and specialist care.