Our private paediatric urology service at Evelina London Children’s Hospital provides specialist care for children with kidney, bladder and genitalia problems, as well as supporting kidney transplant care.

We have experience in advanced investigations of paediatric bladder function, as well as routine and complex surgical procedures. We treat children from prenatal scanning all the way until they move to adult care.

Depending on the type of urology procedure, we also offer day surgery at our new Children’s Day Surgery Unit, helping children return home on the same day.

A multidisciplinary approach to care

Evelina London is recognised as one of the world’s leading hospitals for children’s care.

Our paediatric urology specialists work together with experts in endocrine and renal medicine, to ensure that children are given a thorough and comprehensive assessment to determine the best treatment strategy.

We provide paediatric urodynamic investigations using bladder function assessment, video urodynamics (VUD) and cystoscopy which look at how a child’s bladder is working.

Mum laughing with her son

Conditions we treat

Our children’s urology specialists provide treatment for patients with a range of conditions, including:

Mr Pankaj Mishra - Versius Surgical Robotic System

Specialists in keyhole robotic surgery

We offer minimally invasive (keyhole) procedures with the Versius Surgical Robotic System for children’s kidney and bladder conditions. This includes our pyeloplasty, nephrectomy and uretic re-implantation procedures.

Robotic surgery helps to reduce scarring and recovery times.

Treatments we provide

We  have expertise in routine and complex urology procedures, including:

Children can be referred to our children’s urology specialists at any age, and even prenatally if a condition is detected before birth.

Discover our children's urology specialists

Our urology service provides specialist care for children with kidney, bladder and genitalia problems from all over the UK and internationally.