Clinical expertise

Dr Morris-Rosendahl’s expertise includes specialist testing for inherited cardiac and respiratory conditions. In addition to refining genotype-phenotype relationships, research in the laboratory focuses on developing new and innovative approaches to delivering cutting-edge genomic diagnostics.

She is also the scientific lead for the genomics innovation Unit.


Dr Morris-Rosendahl obtained her BSc Honours Degree in Zoology with distinction from the University of Cape Town and then the Mammal Research Institute (MRI), University of Pretoria. She received her PhD in human molecular genetics at the South African Institute for Medical Research and University of the Witwatersrand in 1989.

She held post-doctoral positions in the MRI departments of the University of Pretoria and Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas before moving to Germany and being awarded an Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellowship.

After two years in in the Institute of Human Genetics in the Free University Berlin, she moved to the University of Freiburg, where she obtained the “Habilitation” in 2003 and headed the Molecular Genetics Diagnostic Division in the Institute of Human Genetics, until moving to London in 2012.


Dr. Morris-Rosendahl’s research has mostly involved the mapping and identification of new disease genes for both single gene disorders as well as complex neuropsychiatric conditions. Her focus on neurodevelopmental disorders led to the identification of novel genes and new genotype-phenotype associations for various disorders of cortical development, as well as to refining the genotype-phenotype correlations for lissencephaly, primary microcephaly and microcephaly syndromes.

She also focuses on developing new and innovative approaches to delivering cutting-edge genomic diagnostics.