Our children’s allergy service at Evelina London Children’s Hospital is one of the largest of its kind in Europe. Evelina London is also one of the world’s leading children’s hospitals.

We provide advanced diagnostic and therapeutic services for children’s food allergies, including peanut allergy.

Specialists in Palforzia peanut allergy treatment

Palforzia is the first approved immunotherapy drug to help children with severe allergic reactions to peanuts. Evelina London was one of the centres involved in clinical trials for the treatment which has been licensed for use in children aged 4 to 17 years old with a confirmed peanut allergy.

Clinical trials have shown that the treatment can help reduce the severity of allergic reactions if a child is accidentally exposed to peanuts. Of those in the study that continued treatment with Palforzia for 12 months, 96% of children could consume more than 1 peanut with no more than mild symptoms.

Peanuts can cause allergic reactions

Food allergy testing

Almost 1 in 12 children have a food allergy in the UK. Depending on the type of allergy they have, they can experience mild symptoms such as an itchy rash or a severe life-threatening reaction like anaphylaxis.

We can test for all types of food allergy in children and offer a range of tests at our specialist centre, including:

  • blood tests for IgE-mediated food allergies
  • skin prick testing: This is where a small amount of food in a solution is placed on the skin of your child and the area is pricked with a needle to test for symptoms
  • supervised oral food challenge: This is where a specialist will feed your child a suspected allergenic food in a medically controlled environment to test for symptoms

A centre of excellence in allergy research

Our specialists are committed to the advancement of research in allergy medicine. We have received accreditation at the highest level by the Global Allergy and Asthma Excellence Network (GA2LEN) and the World Allergy Organisation (WAO).

Through our active research programme, we are established leaders in providing innovative paediatric allergy care and pioneering allergy treatments.

Scientist in a lab conducting a study

Discover our children's allergy specialists

Meet our team of leading paediatric consultants. From food tests to respiratory interventions, our specialists are here to provide personalised care to you.