
Female infertility

We pride ourselves on offering a range of fertility treatment options, our specialists work with you to investigate and diagnose fertility problems you may be experiencing  and make decisions with patients based on our clinical expertise and only offer treatments that add value to the overall chance of success.

What causes female infertility?

Tubal blockage

An egg travels along your fallopian tubes from the ovary to the womb and is fertilised. It is implanted into the womb’s lining where it continues to grow. If the womb or the fallopian tubes are damaged, or stop working, it may be difficult to conceive naturally. This can occur following several factors. Some blockages can be treated by micro-surgical techniques, but in other cases, pregnancy can only be achieved with in-vitro fertilisation (IVF).


With endometriosis, the womb’s lining (endometrium) starts growing in other places, such as your ovaries. During menstruation, bleeding occurs from this tissue, which can cause abdominal pain and painful intercourse. Infertility results because the new growths form adhesions (sticky areas of tissue) or cysts (fluid-filled sacs) that can block or distort the pelvis. These make it difficult for an egg to be released and become implanted into the womb. Endometriosis can also disturb the way that a follicle (fluid-filled space in which an egg develops) matures and releases an egg.

Ovulatory problems

Ovulatory issues are the most common cause of female infertility and happen because of hormonal imbalance. This may be from within the hypothalamus, the pituitary gland, or in the ovaries. Common causes of this include stress, weight loss or gain, polycystic ovary syndrome or an increased amount of prolactin production (hormone that creates milk production in the breasts).

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)

Women with polycystic ovaries have an increased number of small cysts under the surface of the ovary, which can be seen on an ultrasound. Out of the 20% of women who have polycystic ovary syndrome, some will have normal cycles and no problems conceiving.

However, some women with polycystic ovarian syndrome may have difficulty conceiving because they are not ovulating regularly. They have a hormone imbalance and irregular or absent periods.

Age or thyroid problems

Other factors which can limit a woman’s chance of conceiving include age, problems with an under or overactive thyroid and side effects from some medication.

Diagnosing the cause of infertility

For patients experiencing fertility issues, we offer a range fertility investigations. These tests can be used to understand your ability to conceive and will help to inform the next steps for your fertility treatment.

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Meet our team of leading fertility consultants. From infertility tests to donor treatments, our specialists are here to provide you with personalised care.