
A new minimally invasive treatment for tricuspid regurgitation

Tricuspid regurgitation becomes increasingly common in those over 65, but corrective open-heart surgery is often considered too high-risk to perform in older patients. A new minimally invasive transcatheter approach is now available at our centre that enables us to target treatment directly to where it is needed and offer significant improvements to quality of life in patients where surgery is not possible.

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Thoracic surgery

Our surgeons continuously advance minimally invasive techniques in thoracic surgery, including for lung cancer, COPD and chest deformities.

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Children’s general medicine

Our general paediatricians diagnose and manage common childhood conditions, such as asthma, chest infections and growth problems.

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Lung cancer

Lung cancer is a condition caused when the cells that make up the tissue of the lungs become abnormal and grow into a tumour.

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